This privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") refers to all personal information

collected through and handled regarding the Website

(, and Services offered by Pitbull Over

Humans ("Pitbull Over Humans", "we" or "us").

Pitbull Over Humans strives to create a private atmosphere where

you have full control of your content. We will continue to bring the latest

controls and options which allow you to have full control of how

information is handled on your account. To do this, we may aggregate

information obtained through our services and in our content, which

may help us improve our product.

Remember that your use of Pitbull Over Humans' Services is

consistently subject to the Terms and conditions, which fuses this

Privacy Policy. Any terms we use in this Policy without characterizing

them have the definitions given to them in the Terms and conditions.

Your Consent

We consider that the legal bases for utilizing your data as set out in this

privacy policy are as follows:

● our use of your personal information is important to perform our

obligations under any agreement with you (for instance, to consent

to the terms of use of our Site which you acknowledge by browsing

our site or to abide by our agreement to provide services to you); or

● our use of your personal information is vital for obeying our legal

obligations; or

● where neither of the above applies, utilization of your personal

information is vital for our legitimate advantages or the legitimate

interests of others. Our legitimate interests are to:

● run, develop and build up our business;

● operate our Site and provide our services;

● select suitably talented and qualified suppliers;

● build associations with partners and organizations;

● do examine and statistical analysis;

● do promote and business development; and

● for internal administrative and auditing purposes.


This privacy policy identifies with:

● How we handle information received or collected about you as a

person through the Website,

● How we interact with you as an individual, and

● Your rights as a person in regard to such information and


Data Collection

This applies to data collected on the Sites. We collect two sorts of data

from guests to the Sites: (1) Personally identifiable information and (2)

Non-personally identifiable information.

"Personally identifiable information" is data that distinguishes you, for

instance, your name, address, email address, home phone number,

mobile phone number, your billing information, your shipping

information, your tax registration and perhaps your Internet Protocol

(IP) address... We may collect this data when you create a profile on our

Sites or place an order on our site.

"Non-personally identifiable information" can be specialized in nature. It

does not distinguish you.

Data Use

Pitbull Over Humans will use your information in the encouragement

of our legitimate interests for the following general purposes:

● to provide, update, maintain and protect our services, sites,

applications, and business

● as required by pertinent law, legal procedure or regulation

● to react to your inquiries and remarks.

● to interact with you through email or within the Service about the

Service statistical purposes.

● to examine and help prevent security issues and misuse.

● different purposes as depicted to you at the point of collection.

● to also, use email information for future promotions.

Data Retention

To what extent we hold your Personal Information depends on the sort

of information and the reason for which we process the information. We

will hold your Personal Information for the period important to satisfy

the reasons outlined in this Privacy Notice except if a longer retention

period is required or allowed by law.


A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes an anonymous

unique identifier that is sent to your browser from a website's computers

and stored on your computer's hard drive. You can configure your

browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies or notify you when a

cookie is set. If you want to delete any cookies that are already on your

computer, please refer to the instructions for your browser to locate the

file or directory that stores cookies. If you reject all cookies, you may not

be able to use some features of the Service.

Disclosure Of Personal Information

Pitbull Over Humans does not lease, sell, or offer individual data

about you with third parties but to provide the services you've asked for

when we have your authorization, or in the following conditions:

● where Pitbull Over Humans is responding to a subpoena, court

request, or lawful procedure, or to set up or practice our legitimate

rights or to protect ourselves against lawful cases;

● Where Pitbull Over Humans trusts it is important to share data

so as to investigate, avert, or make a move with respect to criminal

operations, suspected fraud, circumstances including potential

dangers to the physical safety of any individual, infringement of

Pitbull Over Humans’s Terms and condition, or as generally

legally necessary;

● Where The Jita Shipyard transfers data about you if Pitbull

Over Humans is possessed by or converged with another

organization. If this occurs, Pitbull Over Humans will advise

you before information about you is transferred and becomes

subject to an alternate privacy policy.

Confidentiality and Security

Although Pitbull Over Humans does its best to protect your Personal

Information and privacy, no security method or firewall can be

guaranteed to protect information from hackers or human error, and we

therefore expressly disclaim responsibility and/or liability for the loss,

theft, destruction or inadvertent disclosure of your Personal

Information. In the unfortunate event that your Personal Information is

compromised, we may notify you by email at the last email address you

have provided to us, in a reasonable time under the circumstances and as

required under the law. Delays in notification may occur while we take

necessary measures to determine the scope of the breach and restore

reasonable integrity to the system, as well as at the legitimate request of

law enforcement should it be determined that such notification would

impede a government investigation.

Links to various Sites

We may offer links to sites that are not controlled by us. In case you visit

one of these associated sites, you should review its privacy and different

policies. We are not responsible for the strategies and practices of

various organizations.


We maintain all authority to send electronic mail to You with respect to

notification alerts of activity and changes to our services.

Your Data Protection Rights Under General Data Protection

Regulation (GDPR)

If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA), In certain

circumstances, you have the following data protection rights:

● The right to access, update or to delete the information we have on


● The right of rectification.

● The right to object.

● The right of restriction.

● The right to data portability

● The right to withdraw consent


Pitbull Over Humans Terms states that no children under the age of

16 are allowed to obtain or use an account or any of our services.


Pitbull Over Humans reserves the right to change this privacy policy

at any time. The privacy policy will be reviewed every semester. If there

are any changes to the policy, you will be notified. The changes to the

policy will also be highlighted by specifying the ‘Last Updated On’ date at

the top of the Privacy Policy page.

Contact us

If you still have any queries, feel free to contact us at We value your feedback and would

love to know what you think about our efforts to keep your data


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