For purposes of this Refund Policy, “we” or “our” refers to Top Bullies, and “you” or “your” refers to the customer. Please read this Refund Policy carefully as it constitutes your agreement with us.

By engaging us to provide services to you, you agree to be legally bound by this Refund Policy. We reserve the right to change or modify this Refund Policy at any time.

Unless otherwise specified, any changes or modifications will be effective immediately and your continued use of our services after such time will constitute your acceptance of such changes or modifications.


Top Bullies does all it can to meet your high expectations and stock products you will love. Kindly note that only products ordered through our site www.dogflirtpole.com will be eligible for a refund.

After making an order and/or purchase, Top Bullies allows its customers to request for a refund within a period of 30 days by sending an email to ruben@pitbullsoverhumans. Top Bullies will carefully examine the request for a refund and will notify you by email within a reasonable period whether you have a right for a refund.


In the event any provision or part of this Refund Policy is found to be invalid or unenforceable, only that particular provision or part so found, and not the entire Refund Policy, will be inoperative.


This Agreement contains the entire agreement and understanding among the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, understandings, inducements and conditions, express or implied, oral or written, of any nature whatsoever with respect to the subject matter hereof.



For purposes of this Cancellation Policy, “we” or “our” refers to Top Bullies, and “you” or “your” refers to the customer. Please read this Cancellation Policy carefully as it constitutes your agreement with us.

By engaging us to provide products to you, you agree to be legally bound by this Cancellation Policy. We reserve the right to change or modify this Cancellation Policy at any time.

Unless otherwise specified, any changes or modifications will be effective immediately and your continued use of our services after such time will constitute your acceptance of such changes or modifications.


You have the right to cancel the subscription, at any given time, without giving any reason.

In the event we ship out the product i.e. toy before you cancel the subscription, you will be required to return the product.

To exercise the right of cancellation, you may notify us of your decision to cancel through our contact email, ruben@pitbullsoverhumans.


In the event any provision or part of this Cancellation Policy is found to be invalid or unenforceable, only that particular provision or part so found, and not the entire Cancellation Policy, will be inoperative.

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